Category: Instincts – Subtypes
Instinctual Stack
What is an Instinctual Stack? Do you know yours? We all have three instincts. None of us are absent one. However, one does tend to be dominant. But what are instincts and how do they influence how each type shows up in the world?
Today’s guest, Elan Benami, creator of the EnneaApp and author of Enneagram Patterns & Poetics, provides a great overview of Instincts, Subtypes, and the Instinctual Stack and shares how they play out for him in his personal and professional life.
Listen here to the Podcast on Instinctual stack
Elan is an LPC with a MA in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and BA in Philosophy. In addition to his own private counseling practice, Elan is Clinical Director of People House – a non-profit that provides affordable counseling in Colorado.
Elan was introduced to the Enneagram in 2008 by his first therapist. He then did intense studying with Lori Ohlson, who was his supervisor. Claudio Naranjo was Lori’s primary teacher, so there is a deep kinship with his work. Other major Enneagram teachers who have shaped Elan include Helen Palmer, Russ Hudson, Don Riso and Sandra Maitri.
Elan and Lori Ohlson have co-facilitated many Enneagram classes/workshops, most of them in the narrative tradition. Through Lori’s Enneagram material (of over 25 years of teaching the Enneagram), Elan created the EnneaApp, initially for the purpose of having something to quickly reference between sessions. Through the years, he has adapted the content to be more reflective of his own experience while also preserving Lori’s lineage. The app has over 1.5 million downloads.
Enneagram Instincts Explained
In order to understand the subtype one has to first understand the different instincts. The term instincts refers to our animal intelligence, the survival strategies we adopt to sustain life and perpetuate nature. These strategies are very deep rooted within us but play out in ways that are as real for us as they are for any other animal. These are responses that operate at an unconscious, largely reactive, level. Such reactions are so fast that we are not aware of them in the moment. There are three dominant instinctual drives described below.
Self-Preservation is the instinctual drive to look for security, well-being and fulfilment “in the inner world”; that of body sensations, taste, touch, smell, hearing and thoughts.The focus then becomes one of immediate security; the survival and well-being of the body. Food, shelter and warmth become primary in the attention. There is a perceived threat to the body such that feels like it cannot be relied on without attention.
One’s immediate environment becomes the focus of attention; “I will survive if I have what the body needs close at hand”. Some refer to this as the “back pack” version of security for people like to carry with them everything they perceive they will need to maintain this sense of well-being. The related motivational drive is formed by the unconscious prioritisation of the safety and well-being of the physical body. Tends to think that “God” is part of their inner experience.

One to One is the instinctual drive to look for security, well-being and fulfilment “out there”; in the dynamic of intimate relationship with “other”. This normally refers to a person, but equally it can be any object which that the mind security through relating with. It is sometimes referred to as the sexual instinct for in survival terms reproduction promises survival at a deeply primal level.
The focus then becomes the quality of one’s intimate relationships; that does not mean exclusivity with one individual but a focus on the quality of relating itself. They seek connection, intimacy and depth. One to Ones like full attention when relating; it is offers the reassuring feelin that we are safe together and; “we have each other’s back”. The related motivational drive is the security related to strong interpersonal bonds. Tends to think that “God” is out there, and can be related to.
Social is the instinctual drive to seek security, well being and fulfilment “in the universal”; in that which we all share. This can refer in scale from consciousness itself through to one’s immediate community. In basic terms it is the sense that; “we will survive if we work together”. The Social Instinct is reflected in the “herd mentality” within us, and can be noticed in our heightened awareness when we, or others, do something different from everybody else. Being “in” or “out” of the group is important to the Social Instinct.
The focus then becomes the health and strength of the social group – however small- one is connected with. Issues of belonging, recognition and having the capacity to influence predominate. It is the “One for all and all for one” type of security. It can distort into a fear that I need to be important or make my mark in society to be fulfilled and survive,or it can manifest in a need to be valued and of service to others. Tends to think that “God” is universal, something we can all tap into equally.
Enneagram Subtypes
Self-Preservation Ones are the true perfectionists of the three Ones. They express the passion of anger through working hard to make themselves and the things they do more perfect. In this subtype, anger is the most repressed emotion; the defense mechanism of reaction formation transforms the heat of anger into warmth, resulting in a friendly and benevolent character.
Social Ones (unconsciously) consider themselves to be perfect; they express anger through focusing on being the perfect model of “the right way” to be. They have a teacher mentality that reflects an unconscious need for superiority. In the Social One, anger is half-hidden—there’s a transformation of the heat of anger into cold. This is a cooler, intellectual personality type in which the main theme is control.
The Countertype
Sexual Ones focus on perfecting others; they are more reformers than perfectionists. The only One who is explicitly angry, they act out anger through their intense desire to improve others and get what they want. They feel entitled in the way a reformer or a zealot can feel entitled: they believe they have a right to change society and get what they want because they have a higher understanding of the truth and the reasons behind “the right way to be.” The countertype of the Ones, they are more impulsive and outwardly angry—they go against the “counter-instinctive” tendency of the One to repress anger and impulses.
The Countertype
Self-Preservation Twos “seduce” like a child in the presence of grown-ups as a way of (unconsciously) inducing others to take care of them. Everyone likes children, and the SP Two adopts a youthful stance as a way of getting special treatment well beyond childhood. As the countertype, it’s less easy to see pride in this Two because they are more fearful of and ambivalent about connecting with others. The title “Privilege” reflects this Two’s desire to be loved and prioritized just for being who they are, not for what they give to others. Related to the youthful stance, these Twos are playful, irresponsible, and charming.
The Social Two is a seducer of environments and groups—a powerful, leader type whose pride manifests as a sense of satisfaction in the conquest of an audience. This is a more adult Two in whom pride is the most obvious; the Social Two cultivates an image of being an influential, super-competent person worthy of admiration. The name “Ambition” reflects this person’s desire to “be on top,” and as a result of this lofty position, receive advantages and benefits. This Two “gives to get” the most and always has a strategic angle when expressing generosity.
Sexual Twos seduce specific individuals as a way of getting needs met and feeding their pride. Similar to the “femme fatale” archetype (and male equivalent) this Two employs the methods of classical seduction to attract a partner who will meet all their needs and give them whatever they want. The name “Aggressive-Seductive” suggests a character who is appealing, but who also wants to wield some power. Energetically like a force of nature, this is a person who becomes irresistible, who inspires great passions and positive feelings as a way to meet needs in life.
The Countertype
Thee Self-Preservation three has a sense of vanity for having no vanity. This Three also wants to be admired by others but avoids openly seeking recognition. Not just satisfied with looking good, the SP three strives to be good. They are determined to be a good person—to match the perfect model of how a person should be. Being the perfect model of quality implies virtue, and virtue implies a lack of vanity. SP Threes seek a sense of security through being good, working hard, and being effective and productive.
Social Threes focus on achievement in the service of looking good and getting the job done. They act out vanity through their desire to be seen and have in-fluence with people. They enjoy being on stage in the spotlight. Social Threes know how to climb the social ladder and achieve success. These are the most competitive and most aggressive of the Threes. They have a driving need to look good and possess a corporate or sales mentality.
Sexual Threes focus on achievement in terms of personal attractiveness and supporting others. In this Three, vanity is not denied (as in the SP Three) nor embraced (as in the Social Three), but is somewhere in between: it’s employed in the service of creating an attractive image and promoting important others. These threes have a harder time talking about themselves and often put the focus on others they want to promote. They put a lot of energy into pleasing others and they have a family/team mentality.
The Countertype
The Self-Preservation Four is long-suffering. As the countertype of the Fours, SP Fours are stoic in the face of their inner pain and they don’t share it with others as much as the other two Fours. This is a person who learns to tolerate pain and to do without as a way of earning love. Instead of dwelling in envy, SP Fours act out their envy by working hard to get what others have and they lack. More masochistic than melodramatic, these Fours demand a lot of themselves, have a strong need to endure, and have a passion for effort.
The Social Four suffers more, feels more shame, and is more sensitive than the other two Fours. Envy fuels a focus on shame and suffering as they employ a strategy of seducing others into meeting their needs through an intensification of pain and suffering. They experience a sense of comfort in feeling melancholy. Envy also manifests in lamenting too much, taking on the victim role, and focusing on a sense of their own inferiority. Social Fours don’t compete with others as much as they compare themselves to others and find themselves lacking.
Sexual Fours make others suffer as an unconscious way of trying to rid themselves of painful feelings of deficiency. In denying their suffering and being more shameless than shameful, they express their needs more and can be demanding of others. In seeking to be the best, they express envy in its manifestation as competition. They express “an envy that wants,” unconsciously turning their pain at inner lack into feelings of anger about not getting what they need from others.
The Self-Preservation Five expresses avarice through a focus on boundaries—a need to be “encastled” in a sanctuary where they feel protected from intrusion and have control over their boundaries. SP Fives have a passion for being able to hide behind walls and know that they have everything they need to survive within those walls. They are the least expressive of the three Fives and they try to limit their needs and wants so that they can avoid being dependent on others.
The Social Five expresses avarice through a need for “super-ideals,” relating to others with common interests through knowledge and shared values (rather than emotional connection). In this Five, avarice is connected to knowledge. Needs for people and for the sustenance that relationships provide get channeled into a thirst for information. “Totem” refers to a passion for high ideals, the need to idealize experts and seek knowledge connected to whatever ultimate values this Five adheres to. Social Fives engage in a search for the ultimate meaning to avoid experiencing life as meaningless.
The Countertype
Sexual Fives express avarice through a search for ideal exemplars of absolute love. This is a Five with a romantic streak. the name reflects their need to find a partner who fulfills an ideal of trust. The most emotionally sensitive of the Fives, they suffer more, resemble Type Four more, and have more overt desires. They have a vibrant inner life that may be expressed through artistic creation but are still cut off from others in many ways.
Self-Preservation Sixes express the passion of fear through a need for protection, for friendship, and for banding together with others. In seeking protective alliances, SP Sixes endeavor to be warm, friendly, and trustworthy, which is why they bear the name “Warmth.” This most “phobic” of the Sixes has difficulty expressing anger, feels uncertain, and engages in a lot of self-doubt. For SP Sixes, fear manifests as insecurity, and they focus on relationships as a way of feeling safer in the world.
Social Sixes express fear through a need to deal with anxiety by relying on abstract reason or ideologies as a frame of reference. Obeying authority through knowing the rules helps them to feel safe in the world. Unlike the SP Six, this Six has more certainty and can be “too sure” of things as a way of dealing with the anxiety of uncertainty. Social Sixes focus on precision and efficiency. They adhere to whatever the guidelines are as a form of having a protective authority.
The Countertype
Sexual Sixes express fear by going against fear—by becoming strong and intimidating. Trusting themselves more than others, these Sixes have the inner programming that when you are afraid, the best defense is a good offense. They take on a powerful stance, both in what they do and how they look, as a way of holding the enemy at a distance. Their anxiety is allayed through skill and readiness in the face of an attack.
The Self-Preservation Seven expresses gluttony through making alliances and creating opportunities for gaining an advantage. Pragmatic and self-interested, these Sevens find safety through networking and being alert to opportunities that support their survival. The name “Keepers of the Castle” refers to their way of establishing a partisan network of allies through which they create safety and satisfy their needs. Cheerful and amiable, they have a love of pleasure and tend to get what they want.
The Countertype
As the countertype, Social Sevens go against gluttony through conscientious efforts to be of service to others. Conscious of wanting to avoid exploiting others, they have a need to be good and pure and to sacrifice their own needs in supporting the needs of others. They have a passion for being seen as good for the sacrifice of their own desires. They express an ascetic ideal and make a virtue of getting by on little. They express idealism and enthusiasm as a way of making themselves feel active and valued in the world.
Sexual Sevens express gluttony through a need to imagine something better than ordinary reality. Gluttons for things of a higher world, they are idealistic dreamers with a passion for living in their imaginations. Sexual Sevens look at things with the optimism of someone who is in love; they see the world through rose-colored glasses. “Suggestibility” refers to being somewhat naive and easy to hypnotize. Light-hearted and enthusiastic, they focus on exciting possibilities and pleasurable fantasies, and they believe they can do everything.
Self-Preservation Eights express the passion of lust through a focus on getting what they need for survival. SP Eights have a strong desire for the timely satisfaction of material needs and an intolerance for frustration. SP Eights know how to survive in di1cult situations and feel omnipotent when it comes to getting what they need. They are the least expressive and the most armed of the three Eight subtypes.
The Countertype
Social Eights express lust and aggression in the service of others. A social antisocial person, this is the countertype of the Eights, a helpful Eight who appears less aggressive and more loyal than the other two Eight subtypes. The name “Solidarity” emphasizes their tendency to offer help when people need protection.
Sexual Eights express lust through rebellion and the need to possess everyone’s attention. Sexual Eights are intense, charismatic characters who want to have control and influence. Instead of seeking material security, they try to get power over things and people. The name “Possession” refers to an energetic takeover of the whole scene—a need to feel powerful through dominating the whole environment.
Instead of feeling an ongoing connection to their feelings, desires, and power, Self-Preservation Nines focus on merging with physical comforts and routine activities, such as eating, sleeping, reading, or doing crossword puzzles. SP Nines are practical, concrete people who focus on everyday things rather than abstractions.
The Countertype
Social Nines fuse with groups. They act out laziness when connecting with their own inner life by working hard to be a part of the different groups in their lives. Fun-loving, sociable, and congenial characters, Social Nines can be workaholics, prioritizing the group’s needs above their own. This high level of activity makes them the countertype of the three Nine subtypes.
Enneagram Subtypes
Each of the 9 main enneagram types also has three subtypes which mean there are actually 27 enneagram subtypes! This gives much more understanding to a person’s type and provides more potential for growth!
What is an Enneagram Subtype?
An enneagram subtype (also known as an instinctual subtype or instinctual variant) is a combination of your main enneagram type (one of the nine numbers) and your survival instinct (there are three options).
Main enneagram type + survival instinct = subtype.
Of course, we no longer need to depend on our survival instinct quite as strongly as our ancestors did, but we still have a survival drive and then are seen in three forms or options.
No matter what type you are, you are wired towards one of these survival instincts. We’ll get into what that looks like for all the 27 possibilities below!
What are the Three Survival Instincts
The three survival instincts or what we call “subtypes” are Self-Preservation, Social, and Sexual (better called Intimate or One-to-One).
Self-Preservation (SP):
This instinctual subtype gives priority to physical needs such as health, finances, food, shelter, and family.
Social (SO):
This instinctual subtype gives priority to belonging and being accepted by the group or community.
Sexual/Intimate/One-to-One (SX):
This instinctual subtype gives priority to connecting intimately with individuals. Having “chemistry” with others but this does not necessarily need to be sexual (hence why “sexual” is not the best name for this subtype)
Instinctual Subtype Stacking 1
Can You Have More than One Subtype/Survival Instinct?
Yes, well somewhat. Everyone as one dominant instinctual subtype but that does not mean that they do not have access to the other two options.
This is what is called Instinctual Subtype Stacking (sometimes called sequencing)
We have access to all three survival instincts but they are on different levels or priorities.
These three levels/priorities are dominant, secondary, and tertiary.
Dominant = Over aware
Secondary = Neutral
Tertiary = Underdeveloped, a blindspot.
This is why you often see people list their subtype stacking instead of just one subtype.
Example: I’m a SO/SP 1. Social is my dominant subtype and self-preservation is my neutral secondary subtype, and I don’t need to list sexual/intimate (SX) because it’s obviously my last stacking and thus my blind spot.
There can be a bit of shifting between instinctual subtypes depending on your circumstances in life. For instance, your neutral subtype might kick in during a particularly hard time. However, generally, your stacking stays the same although the goal is to bring all three instincts into balance.
Does My Subtype Change My Enneagram Type?
No. Your subtype shifts how your main enneagram type acts but you are still 100% your type.
The way you act to survive causes you to look a bit different than others of your enneagram type with a different subtype but you will have the same core motivation as others with the same enneagram type.
In other words, if you are a social 9, you will appear a bit different than a self-preservation 9 or sexual 9…but you will still all share the same core motivation, you just go about getting that core desire a bit differently.
Enneagram Countertypes
The subtypes have a connection to the enneagram vices (or “deadly sins”). Most of the types use their vice in a typical way but one of our three instincts/subtypes uses it in the opposite way.
Example: A type 1’s vice is anger (better known as resentment for 1s). Self-Preservation and Social 1s tend to suppress their anger but the Sexual 1 is actually a bit ok with expressing their anger.
Subtypes who use their vice in a non-stereotypical way are the countertypes. They are still 100% their main type because they have the same core motivation but they often look more like a different type due to their actions and traits.
The 27 Enneagram Subtypes
subtype 1Type 1 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 1s
Focuses On: The need to be correct/right with their families, their health, their finances, and their homes.
SP 1s are the more stereotypical perfectionists of the 1s and are more likely to deal with worry and anxiety (over being correct/right) than other type 1s. However, they are also often the more warm and friendly of the 1 subtypes.
Relationship to Their Vice (anger): SP 1s tend to suppress their anger (and they tend to suppress it the most out of the 1 subtypes)
Potential Mistypes: SP 1s can often look like type 6s.
Social 1s
Focuses On: The need to be correct/right with their groups and communities.
SO 1s often take on being the teacher or role model with those around them; trying to show others the right way to live. These 1s are often concerned with fairness and justice.
Relationship to Their Vice (anger): SO 1s often suppress their anger but are also a bit ok with showing it.
Potential Mistypes: SO 1s can often look like type 3s or type 5s.
Sexual/Intimate 1s
Focuses On: The need to be correct/right with their intimate connections.
SX 1s are the Countertype of type 1 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (anger). They focus less on perfecting themselves and instead use their energy and zeal on perfecting others.
Relationship to Their Vice (anger): SX 1s are more likely to show anger than suppress it like the other 1 subtypes.
Potential Mistypes: SX 1s can often look like type 8s.
Type 2 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 2s
Focuses On: The need to be charming in order to have their physical needs met.
SP 2s are the Countertype of type 2 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (pride). They are timider in connecting with others; less prone to being helpers/givers. They tend to appear childish or childlike in order to be taken care of.
Relationship to Their Vice (pride): SP 2s tend to suppress their pride (and they tend to suppress it the most out of the 2 subtypes)
Potential Mistypes: SP 2s can often look like type 4s, type 6s, or type 7s.
Social 2s
Focuses On: The need to be charming with their groups and communities.
SO 2s focus on charming groups and communities and being influential within these groups. They tend to be generous and offer support, advice, and help in order to be seen as needed by the group.
Relationship to Their Vice (pride): SO 2s are more likely to show pride than the other subtypes of 2.
Potential Mistypes: SO 2s can often look like type 3s or type 8s.
Sexual/Intimate 2s
Focuses On: The need to be charming with their intimate connections.
SX 2s focus on charming and attracting strong intimate relationships. They are a bit more passionate and emotional than the other type 2s and often try to be physically appealing to others.
Relationship to Their Vice (pride): SX 2s may show pride.
Potential Mistypes: SX 2s can often look like type 4s.
Type 3 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 3s
Focuses On: The need to be valuable/admired in order to have their physical needs met.
SP 3s are the Countertype of type 3 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (vanity). They want to achieve but they don’t want to brag about it. These 3’s focus more on being good and attaining material security for themselves and their family.
Relationship to Their Vice (vanity): SP 3s tend to suppress their vanity
Potential Mistypes: SP 3s can often look like type 1s.
Social 3s
Focuses On: The need to be valuable/admired in their groups and communities.
SO 3s are more of the stereotypical 3 who want to climb the social ladder and be in the spotlight. They can be highly competitive in order to be or appear successful in whatever they are doing.
Relationship to Their Vice (vanity): SO 3s are more likely to show vanity than the other subtypes of 3.
Potential Mistypes: SO 3s can often look like type 8s.
Sexual/Intimate 3s
Focuses On: The need to be valuable/admired by their intimate connections.
SX 3s focus on being attractive and supportive with their intimate relationships. They tend to measure their value by how useful they are to those around them. These 3s are charismatic and love promoting others.
Relationship to Their Vice (vanity): SX 3s may show vanity.
Potential Mistypes: SX 3s can often look like type 2s.
Type 4 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 4s
Focuses On: The need to be themselves in order to have their physical needs met.
SP 4s are the Countertype of type 4 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (envy). They work to get what they feel others have/that they lack (not generally material envy but a more characteristic/wholeness envy). Nicknamed the “happy 4” they tend to keep the sad/hard emotions for behind closed doors.
Relationship to Their Vice (envy): SP 4s tend to suppress their envy.
Potential Mistypes: SP 4s can often look like type 1s, 3s, or 7s.
Social 4s
Focuses On: The need to be themselves with their groups and communities.
SO 4s are more of the stereotypical 4 who is open with all of their feelings and feels more shame than the other 4s. They connect to themselves and others through their authentic feelings.
Relationship to Their Vice (envy): SO 4s are more likely to show envy than the other subtypes of 4.
Potential Mistypes: SO 4s can often look like type 6s.
Sexual/Intimate 4s
Focuses On: The need to be themselves with their intimate connections.
SX 4s are nicknamed the “angry 4” as they are not afraid to ask for or demand for what they need. They are more shameless than shameful and can be competitive to avoid feeling “less than”.
Relationship to Their Vice (vanity): SX 4s may show envy.
Potential Mistypes: SX 4s can often look like type 3s or type 8s.
Type 5 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 5s
Focuses On: The need to be competent with their families, health, finances, and home.
SP 5s are the more stereotypical of the 5s and are more focused on maintaining strong boundaries so that they don’t become invaded. They try to limit their needs in order to avoid being dependent on others.
Relationship to Their Vice (avarice): SP 5s are ore likely to show avarice than other subtypes.
*Note: Avarice in the sense of feeling the need to carefully guard what they have; not a greed-based avarice.
Potential Mistypes: SP 5s are unlikely to mistype.
Social 5s
Focuses On: The need to be competent with their groups and communities.
SO 5s are the most extroverted of the 5s. They focus on gaining knowledge and potentially sharing that knowledge within their groups and communities. Their avarice is connected more to knowledge than to things.
Relationship to Their Vice (avarice): SO 5s may show avarice.
*Note Avarice in the sense of feeling the need to carefully guard what they have; not a greed-based avarice.
Potential Mistypes: SO 5s can often look like type 1s.
Sexual/Intimate 5s
Focuses On: The need to be competent with their intimate connections.
SX 5s are the Countertype of type 5 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (avarice). They focus on finding select individuals to trust and share life with. They are more aware of their feelings internally but may not show them.
Relationship to Their Vice (avarice): SX 5s are unlikely to show vanity.
*Note Avarice in the sense of feeling the need to carefully guard what they have; not a greed-based avarice.
Potential Mistypes: SX 5s can often look like type 4s.
Type 6 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 6s
Focuses On: The need to be secure/supported within their families, health, finances, and home.
SP 6s are the more stereotypical and most phobic of the 6s. They focus on being warm and building connections that will become their trusted alliances which will help them feel more secure and supported.
Relationship to Their Vice (fear): SP 6s are the most likely to show fear than the other subtypes of 6.
Potential Mistypes: SP 6s can often look like type 2s.
Social 6s
Focuses On: The need to be secure/supported with their groups and communities.
SO 6s focus on being responsible and logical to feel secure and supported. These 6s handle their fear by following authorities and rules. They love accuracy and knowing what is expected of them. Structure and guidelines bring security to these 6s.
Relationship to Their Vice (fear): SO 6s may show fear.
Potential Mistypes: SO 6s can often look like type 1s.
Sexual/Intimate 6s
Focuses On: The need to be secure/supported with their intimate connections.
SX 6s are the Countertype of type 6 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (fear), this is the subtype that is usually referred to as a “counterphobic 6” They may even be unaware of their fear as they tend to take on a “the best defense is a good offense” mentality.
Relationship to Their Vice (fear): SX 6s tend to suppress fear.
Potential Mistypes: SX 6s can often look like type 8s.
Type 7 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 7s
Focuses On: The need to be satisfied in their families, health, finances, and home.
SP 7s are the more stereotypical of the 7s. They focus on pragmatic planning and networking in order to support their own needs. They work towards satisfaction by being fun and building a network of supporters.
Relationship to Their Vice (gluttony): SP 7s are more likely to show gluttony than the other subtypes of 7.
Note: Gluttony does not need to be strictly related to food.
Potential Mistypes: SP 7s are unlikely to mistype.
Social 7s
Focuses On: The need to be satisfied with their groups and communities.
SO 7s are the Countertype of type 7 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (gluttony). These 7s have a more “give to get” mentality. They are willing to sacrifice their desires for the group and use enthusiasm to make themselves valued in the group.
Relationship to Their Vice (gluttony): SO 7s are not likely to show gluttony.
Note: Gluttony does not need to be strictly related to food.
Potential Mistypes: SO 7s can often look like type 2s.
Sexual/Intimate 7s
Focuses On: The need to be satisfied with their intimate connections.
SX 7s see the world through rose-colored glasses. They focus on exciting possibilities and idealistic dreams. They can lean more towards naive but they also can charm others into new visions and adventures.
Relationship to Their Vice (gluttony): SX 7s may show gluttony.
Note: Gluttony does not need to be strictly related to food.
Potential Mistypes: SX 7s can often look like type 4s.
Type 8 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 8s
Focuses On: The need to be protective of their families, health, finances, and home.
SP 8s focus on meeting their desire to be protective and autonomous by gaining power and influence. They get what they need quickly with no nonsense. These 8s are more direct and less emotional than other 8s.
Relationship to Their Vice (lust): SP 8s are likely to show lust.
Note: Lust does not need to be strictly sexual.
Potential Mistypes: SP 8s can sometimes look like type 5s.
Social 8s
Focuses On: The need to be protective of their groups and communities.
SO 8s are the Countertype of type 8 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (lust). These 8s focus on using their power and influence to serve and protect those in their group. They are very aware of injustice and less aggressive than other 8s.
Relationship to Their Vice (lust): SO 8s are not likely to show lust.
Note: Lust does not need to be strictly sexual.
Potential Mistypes: SO 8s can often look like type 2s.
Sexual/Intimate 8s
Focuses On: The need to be protective of their intimate connections.
SX 8s have a strong rebellious nature and like to command the attention of everyone. They focus on having possession of the environment around them. These 8s are the ore provocative and have a stronger desire for intensity than the other 8s.
Relationship to Their Vice (lust): SX 8s may show lust.
Note: Lust does not need to be strictly sexual.
Potential Mistypes: SX 8s can often look like type 4s.
Type 9 Subtypes
Self-Preservation 9s
Focuses On: The need to be at peace with their families, health, finances, and home.
SP 9s are more of the stereotypical 9 and they focus on living comfortably. They find peace in routines and familiar activities. They can be more aggressively concerned with meeting their physical needs than other 9s would.
Relationship to Their Vice (sloth): SP 9s are likely to show sloth.
Note: Sloth refers to slowness to do harder internal work such as engaging with their desires and needs.
Potential Mistypes: SP 9s can sometimes look like type 5s or type 8s.
Social 9s
Focuses On: The need to be at peace with their groups and communities.
SO 9s are the Countertype of type 9 as they react in an opposite way with their vice (sloth). These fun-loving 9s can become workaholics as they put the needs of the group above their own.
Relationship to Their Vice (sloth): SO 9s suppress sloth.
Note: Sloth refers to a slowness to do harder internal work such as engaging with their desires and needs.
Potential Mistypes: SO 9s can often look like type 3s or type 7s.
Sexual/Intimate 9s
Focuses On: The need to be at peace with their intimate connections.
SX 9s are very relationship-oriented and tend to merge with the opinions, attitudes, and passions of their intimate connections. These 9s are the more gentle and non-assertive of the 9s.
Relationship to Their Vice (sloth): SX 9s may show sloth.
Note: Sloth refers to slowness to do harder internal work such as engaging with their desires and needs.
Potential Mistypes: SX 9s can often look like type 2s or type 4s.
Want More Information on Subtypes?
If you want to learn more about the subtypes, I highly recommend picking up Beatrice Chestnut’s book: The Complete Enneagram. It focuses on and explains the 27 subtypes in great detail.
We have three basic instinctual drives that are essential for human experience, all three residing in us as necessary body-based primal forces. They are separate from personality and are behind our life strategies, often unconscious, yet powerfully directing our fundamental way of being. While these instincts are always there, one of the three becomes dominant and is more easily accessed and, therefore, more easily used than the others. When the dominant instinct merges with the core Enneagram a new character structure is formed. These are the 27 Subtypes according to the model of Claudio Naranjo.
The iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram incorporates the ‘instincts of human behaviour’ which overlay our type, merging an instinctual need with the emotional need or fear of the core Enneagram type. If one imagines the Enneagram as a plate of food, the instinct determines what you eat first or last. This relates to what we believe is good for us, or what we believe we require to get what we want and need in this world.
These instincts relate to fundamental instinctual intelligences that have developed to ensure our survival as individuals and as a human species. Recent advances in neuroscience research have confirmed the strong and often-invisible way these instincts ‘show up’ in modern society, for example, how a perceived threat to social status can trigger a primal fight-or-flight reaction.
To explore the 27 Subtypes, select an Enneagram Type below to display that Type’s 3 instinctual subtypes.
We each have a self-preservation instinct, to preserve our body, its life and effective function. This instinct, therefore, focuses us on physical safety, well-being, material security and comfort. Anxiety or stress may combine with this instinct to drive us to conserve or hoard energy and resources in response to demands from the environment or other people. |
![]() ONE-ON-ONE |
We each have a drive to project ourselves into the environment, form alliances and extend ourselves through the generations – either literally by passing on our DNA or more symbolically by passing on ideas, leaving a legacy. This instinct focuses on the intensity of experiences and one-on-one relationships, driving us to actively seek out opportunities that promise strong energetic connections with others. |
![]() SOCIAL |
We each have a social instinct to get along with others and form secure social bonds. This brings a focus on interactions and relationships with communities and groups and a high ‘social awareness’ of norms and status levels in groups. This instinct focuses energy on working towards shared purpose or the greater good. |
27 Subtypes
Subtypes exist within each of the nine types, broken down into three distinct versions according to how the passion of each type combines with one of three instinctual biases or goals that all social creatures share, directed either toward Self-Preservation, Social Interaction, or Sexual (or One-to-One) Bonding.
When the passion and the dominant instinctual drive come together, they create an even more specific focus of attention, reflecting a particular insatiable need that drives behavior. These subtypes thus reflect three different “subsets” of the patterns of the nine types that provide even more specificity in describing the human personality.
For each of the nine types, there is a “countertype” subtype. In every case, with each of the nine points of the Enneagram, there are two subtypes that go with the flow of the energy of the passion and there is one that is upside-down: one that doesn’t look like the others and goes against the main energetic direction of the passion. This “counter-passional” type is called the “countertype” of the three subtypes. For example, the “counter-phobic” Sexual Six is the most well known of the countertypes. It’s a Six who is unafraid. The passion of the Six is Fear but the Sexual subtype goes against fear by being strong and intimidating as a way of coping with fear.
Self-Preservation Ones are the true perfectionists of the three Ones. They express the passion of anger through working hard to make themselves and the things they do more perfect. In this subtype, anger is the most repressed emotion; the defense mechanism of reaction formation transforms the heat of anger into warmth, resulting in a friendly and benevolent character.
Social Ones (unconsciously) consider themselves to be perfect; they express anger through focusing on being the perfect model of “the right way” to be. They have a teacher mentality that reflects an unconscious need for superiority. In the Social One, anger is half-hidden—there’s a transformation of the heat of anger into cold. This is a cooler, intellectual personality type in which the main theme is control.
The Countertype
Sexual Ones focus on perfecting others; they are more reformers than perfectionists. The only One who is explicitly angry, they act out anger through their intense desire to improve others and get what they want. They feel entitled in the way a reformer or a zealot can feel entitled: they believe they have a right to change society and get what they want because they have a higher understanding of the truth and the reasons behind “the right way to be.” The countertype of the Ones, they are more impulsive and outwardly angry—they go against the “counter-instinctive” tendency of the One to repress anger and impulses.
The Countertype
Self-Preservation Twos “seduce” like a child in the presence of grown-ups as a way of (unconsciously) inducing others to take care of them. Everyone likes children, and the SP Two adopts a youthful stance as a way of getting special treatment well beyond childhood. As the countertype, it’s less easy to see pride in this Two because they are more fearful of and ambivalent about connecting with others. The title “Privilege” reflects this Two’s desire to be loved and prioritized just for being who they are, not for what they give to others. Related to the youthful stance, these Twos are playful, irresponsible, and charming.
The Social Two is a seducer of environments and groups—a powerful, leader type whose pride manifests as a sense of satisfaction in the conquest of an audience. This is a more adult Two in whom pride is the most obvious; the Social Two cultivates an image of being an influential, super-competent person worthy of admiration. The name “Ambition” reflects this person’s desire to “be on top,” and as a result of this lofty position, receive advantages and benefits. This Two “gives to get” the most and always has a strategic angle when expressing generosity.
Sexual Twos seduce specific individuals as a way of getting needs met and feeding their pride. Similar to the “femme fatale” archetype (and male equivalent) this Two employs the methods of classical seduction to attract a partner who will meet all their needs and give them whatever they want. The name “Aggressive-Seductive” suggests a character who is appealing, but who also wants to wield some power. Energetically like a force of nature, this is a person who becomes irresistible, who inspires great passions and positive feelings as a way to meet needs in life.
The Countertype
Thee Self-Preservation three has a sense of vanity for having no vanity. This Three also wants to be admired by others but avoids openly seeking recognition. Not just satisfied with looking good, the SP three strives to be good. They are determined to be a good person—to match the perfect model of how a person should be. Being the perfect model of quality implies virtue, and virtue implies a lack of vanity. SP Threes seek a sense of security through being good, working hard, and being effective and productive.
Social Threes focus on achievement in the service of looking good and getting the job done. They act out vanity through their desire to be seen and have in-fluence with people. They enjoy being on stage in the spotlight. Social Threes know how to climb the social ladder and achieve success. These are the most competitive and most aggressive of the Threes. They have a driving need to look good and possess a corporate or sales mentality.
Sexual Threes focus on achievement in terms of personal attractiveness and supporting others. In this Three, vanity is not denied (as in the SP Three) nor embraced (as in the Social Three), but is somewhere in between: it’s employed in the service of creating an attractive image and promoting important others. These threes have a harder time talking about themselves and often put the focus on others they want to promote. They put a lot of energy into pleasing others and they have a family/team mentality.
The Countertype
The Self-Preservation Four is long-suffering. As the countertype of the Fours, SP Fours are stoic in the face of their inner pain and they don’t share it with others as much as the other two Fours. This is a person who learns to tolerate pain and to do without as a way of earning love. Instead of dwelling in envy, SP Fours act out their envy by working hard to get what others have and they lack. More masochistic than melodramatic, these Fours demand a lot of themselves, have a strong need to endure, and have a passion for effort.
The Social Four suffers more, feels more shame, and is more sensitive than the other two Fours. Envy fuels a focus on shame and suffering as they employ a strategy of seducing others into meeting their needs through an intensification of pain and suffering. They experience a sense of comfort in feeling melancholy. Envy also manifests in lamenting too much, taking on the victim role, and focusing on a sense of their own inferiority. Social Fours don’t compete with others as much as they compare themselves to others and find themselves lacking.
Sexual Fours make others suffer as an unconscious way of trying to rid themselves of painful feelings of deficiency. In denying their suffering and being more shameless than shameful, they express their needs more and can be demanding of others. In seeking to be the best, they express envy in its manifestation as competition. They express “an envy that wants,” unconsciously turning their pain at inner lack into feelings of anger about not getting what they need from others.
The Self-Preservation Five expresses avarice through a focus on boundaries—a need to be “encastled” in a sanctuary where they feel protected from intrusion and have control over their boundaries. SP Fives have a passion for being able to hide behind walls and know that they have everything they need to survive within those walls. They are the least expressive of the three Fives and they try to limit their needs and wants so that they can avoid being dependent on others.
The Social Five expresses avarice through a need for “super-ideals,” relating to others with common interests through knowledge and shared values (rather than emotional connection). In this Five, avarice is connected to knowledge. Needs for people and for the sustenance that relationships provide get channeled into a thirst for information. “Totem” refers to a passion for high ideals, the need to idealize experts and seek knowledge connected to whatever ultimate values this Five adheres to. Social Fives engage in a search for the ultimate meaning to avoid experiencing life as meaningless.
The Countertype
Sexual Fives express avarice through a search for ideal exemplars of absolute love. This is a Five with a romantic streak. the name reflects their need to find a partner who fulfills an ideal of trust. The most emotionally sensitive of the Fives, they suffer more, resemble Type Four more, and have more overt desires. They have a vibrant inner life that may be expressed through artistic creation but are still cut off from others in many ways.
Self-Preservation Sixes express the passion of fear through a need for protection, for friendship, and for banding together with others. In seeking protective alliances, SP Sixes endeavor to be warm, friendly, and trustworthy, which is why they bear the name “Warmth.” This most “phobic” of the Sixes has difficulty expressing anger, feels uncertain, and engages in a lot of self-doubt. For SP Sixes, fear manifests as insecurity, and they focus on relationships as a way of feeling safer in the world.
Social Sixes express fear through a need to deal with anxiety by relying on abstract reason or ideologies as a frame of reference. Obeying authority through knowing the rules helps them to feel safe in the world. Unlike the SP Six, this Six has more certainty and can be “too sure” of things as a way of dealing with the anxiety of uncertainty. Social Sixes focus on precision and efficiency. They adhere to whatever the guidelines are as a form of having a protective authority.
The Countertype
Sexual Sixes express fear by going against fear—by becoming strong and intimidating. Trusting themselves more than others, these Sixes have the inner programming that when you are afraid, the best defense is a good offense. They take on a powerful stance, both in what they do and how they look, as a way of holding the enemy at a distance. Their anxiety is allayed through skill and readiness in the face of an attack.
The Self-Preservation Seven expresses gluttony through making alliances and creating opportunities for gaining an advantage. Pragmatic and self-interested, these Sevens find safety through networking and being alert to opportunities that support their survival. The name “Keepers of the Castle” refers to their way of establishing a partisan network of allies through which they create safety and satisfy their needs. Cheerful and amiable, they have a love of pleasure and tend to get what they want.
The Countertype
As the countertype, Social Sevens go against gluttony through conscientious efforts to be of service to others. Conscious of wanting to avoid exploiting others, they have a need to be good and pure and to sacrifice their own needs in supporting the needs of others. They have a passion for being seen as good for the sacrifice of their own desires. They express an ascetic ideal and make a virtue of getting by on little. They express idealism and enthusiasm as a way of making themselves feel active and valued in the world.
Sexual Sevens express gluttony through a need to imagine something better than ordinary reality. Gluttons for things of a higher world, they are idealistic dreamers with a passion for living in their imaginations. Sexual Sevens look at things with the optimism of someone who is in love; they see the world through rose-colored glasses. “Suggestibility” refers to being somewhat naive and easy to hypnotize. Light-hearted and enthusiastic, they focus on exciting possibilities and pleasurable fantasies, and they believe they can do everything.
Self-Preservation Eights express the passion of lust through a focus on getting what they need for survival. SP Eights have a strong desire for the timely satisfaction of material needs and an intolerance for frustration. SP Eights know how to survive in di1cult situations and feel omnipotent when it comes to getting what they need. They are the least expressive and the most armed of the three Eight subtypes.
The Countertype
Social Eights express lust and aggression in the service of others. A social antisocial person, this is the countertype of the Eights, a helpful Eight who appears less aggressive and more loyal than the other two Eight subtypes. The name “Solidarity” emphasizes their tendency to offer help when people need protection.
Sexual Eights express lust through rebellion and the need to possess everyone’s attention. Sexual Eights are intense, charismatic characters who want to have control and influence. Instead of seeking material security, they try to get power over things and people. The name “Possession” refers to an energetic takeover of the whole scene—a need to feel powerful through dominating the whole environment.
Instead of feeling an ongoing connection to their feelings, desires, and power, Self-Preservation Nines focus on merging with physical comforts and routine activities, such as eating, sleeping, reading, or doing crossword puzzles. SP Nines are practical, concrete people who focus on everyday things rather than abstractions.
The Countertype
Social Nines fuse with groups. They act out laziness when connecting with their own inner life by working hard to be a part of the different groups in their lives. Fun-loving, sociable, and congenial characters, Social Nines can be workaholics, prioritizing the group’s needs above their own. This high level of activity makes them the countertype of the three Nine subtypes.
Sexual Nines express the passion of laziness by merging with the important people in their lives. Sexual Nines unconsciously take on the attitudes, opinions, and feelings of others, because it can feel too hard to stand on their own. These Nines tend to be kind, gentle, shy characters who are not very assertive.
Sexual Instinct
Overview of the sexual instinct
It is frequent that newer students of the Enneagram identify themselves as being dominant in the sexual instinct. The sexual instinct is nothing to do with seeking intimacy or having the preference for one on one conversation/connections. The sexual instinct motivates us to invest energy in ourselves – our passions, our interests and our self-expression – both for the sake of those pursuits and as a way to cultivate fascination and hook potential sexual partners. It leads us to find personal and interpersonal edges. The sexual instinct is aware of our chemistry with others as a means of recognising creative potential.
This instinct is inherently conflictual with the self-preservation instinct because it says “screw safety, give me intensity.” Without the grounding of self-preservation and the contextual awareness of the social instinct, the sexual instinct can render us unconcerned with consequences.
Names given to this instinct
Syntony/adaptation (Ichazo), sexual (Naranjo), the transmitting domain (Mario Sikora)
Names given to sexual subtypes (Russ Hudson’s)
Eight: Taking Charge; Seven: Fascination; Six: Feisty Vulnerability; Five: This is my World; Four: Infatuation; Three: the Catch; Two: Craving Intimacy; One: Shared Standards/Chivalry; Nine: Merging
General characteristics of sexual types
Sexual types – general characteristics
Being identified with the need to elicit the sexual choice of potential mates. For sexual types, much of their identity is organised around being able to win out over the sexual competition.
Attempt to distinguish themselves in a distinct and enticing way, broadcasting a unique and idiosyncratic flavour.
Vacillate between pouring intense focus into the object of desire, and putting energy into interests, traits and talents that function like a peacock’s tail.
Energy galvanises when interested, and contracts when uninterested, abruptly shifting from intense urgency, activation, focus and preoccupation on a specific person to hastily veering attention away/cooling off.
High tolerance for being locked on to a person but thrives on creating tension rather than ease.
Desire for desire leads to an experimental approach to life, and willingness to abruptly change course and follow it to consumption/exhaustion.
Voraciously follow their passion beyond where most have the fire to go. Can have a hard time mobilising energy for practical or social reasons, leading to inability for desires/aspirations to really take off.
Trust pull of attraction without concerning themselves with the hows, few qualms about following inspirations. When inbalanced, they can be slavishly devoted to someone for whom there is attraction but is toxic.
Uninterested in remaining intact, so whatever is established holds little appeal. Can take the direction of needing to escalate situations needlessly.
Typically don’t have a great deal of stability in lifestyle, nor are inclined to cultivate deep roots anywhere.
Characteristics are from John Luckovich’s book, the Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram.
Zones of the sexual instinct
Russ Hudson has identified three zones (or sub-domains) to the sexual instinct:
- Broadcasting and charisma
- Exploration and edge
- Merging
He has broken the categories down further as follows:
Zones of the sexual instinct
=Zone 1: Broadcasting and charisma
Transmitting. Initiating energy that broadcasts. People who have a lot of this often complain that they’re being misunderstood.
Display. Doing behaviours to get yourself noticed. “Check me out”. Need to be seen. Money and wealth as display is self preservation/sexual.
Being attracted and following energy. It is difficult to pay attention when it isn’t there.
Choosing / fitness. Evaluating post attraction. Auditioning and being aware of being auditioned.
Competition/ winning. Aggression.
Zone 2 – Exploration and edge
Activation and arousal.
Taking risks and having adventures.
Getting out of comfort zone. Breaking habits and feeling soggy in routine.
Seeking stimulation.
Following and honouring impulses and inspirations.
Zone 3 – Merging
Disappearing into something or someone. This is restorative as it gets us away from ego self.
Intense focus and concentration applied to activity. But if nothing to lock in on, very distracted and restless.
Losing boundaries and sense of self.
Spending energy. Pouring self into something and giving self wholeheartedly.
Seeking fusion and at oneness.
How it looks when sexual is present, dominant, ‘blind’/repressed
Those of us who are dominant or repressed/blind in sexual experience similar challenges. See the table below.
Present, dominant, blind characteristics
Attraction and magnetism: Being aware of attractions and lack of attraction. Putting energy into being attractive through highlighting strengths/features. Heightened charisma Broadcast a quality of energy that commands attention. We are attracted to people and things that are good for us, that evolve us.
Exploration and edge: More interested in experiencing life powerfully than they are in stability or security. Being drawn to the edges of life and discovering their own edges, energetically. Helps us to get out of our lethargy, our comfortable ‘sleep.’ It activates us and brings us back to the wakeful intensity of this moment.
Fusion/merging: Urge to lose ourselves in something or someone (could be a person, a piece of music or an engrossing book.) We seek conversations where the rest of the world seems to fall away. Leads to a beautiful capacity for focus and for being with the energy of another. Can evolve into a fiery commitment to our awakening, and to staying on track with our practice regardless of what arises.
Attraction and magnetism: We get attracted to people and situations that are repetitions of our narcissistic wounds. We keep signing up for the same hurts and heartbreaks.
Exploration and edge: We are restless and in search of stimulation, distracted from our being.
Fusion/merging: There is a recurrent pattern of losing ourselves in relationships as well as in preoccupations – a difficulty holding a middle ground. all or nothing.
Attraction and magnetism: Difficult time sensing what turns us on, and getting beyond familiar boundaries and comfort zones. Perceive others’ sexual energy as dangerous and narcissistic.
Exploration and edge: We stay in our comfort zones and are disturbed by others who want to challenge themselves.
Fusion/merging: Appear to have no passion or commitment to anything.
Points to note:
- Being present in the sexual instinct means being willing to disrupt our routines or risk the disapproval of our social groups for the sake of evolving and transforming. It means being receptive to others’ sexual energy (not judging it) and being tapped into our own. And it means being aware of the charge in our batteries and when it is low, seeking stimulation.
- Being narcissistically concerned or fearful about sexual matters is a pointer towards the sexual instinct being on overdrive.
- Being apathetic, negative or judgmental towards others who honor this instinct may indicate a repressed relationship with this instinct.
- Rarely are we effective across all three of the areas – even when the instinct is dominant or secondary.
Sexual blind characteristics
We develop our habituated stances with the instincts at least partly in response to events and situations in the early nurturing environment.
When you get a clear picture of how you relate to each instinct, often it paints a story/evokes memories of when the instinct priority may have been established.
Related to this idea is the idea that we hold deeply unconscious beliefs about the meaning of this instinct. You may unconsciously believe that by expressing sexual (by being too provocative or unstable):
- it will create scarcity and harm by undermining resources and foundations. This belief is associated with self-preservation/social types;
- you will alienate others and be ostracised or abandoned. This belief is associated with social/self-preservation types.
Sexual blind types – general charactersitics
Feel that there is no acceptable arena for relenting to irrational impulses.
There’s a limit to which they won’t let themselves go, or be swept up in something.
Experience the strong obligation to dampen and self-contain, which can effectively limit certain avenues of self-expansion and creativity.
Has the tendency to overemphasise a sense of being consistent, responsible, acceptable and sensible.
Struggle in registering impressions and sensations about what turns them on or trusting chemistry.
Avoids risks to own identity.
Chemistry tends not to be on radar, there is a bluntness to how they approach sex and sexuality, and they can miss or not see the dance of sexual display and attraction.
Appeal of others can be based on affinity and like-mindedness rather than the tension of polarities which sparks chemistry.
Can avoid fully articulating projects and talents for fear of putting others off or offending them. Can be blind to their vibrancy and inadequate attention to self-expression can result in them feeling unremarkable and bland.
May be obsessive about their interests but have the quality of being outside of them.
May experience alienation or lack of comfort with inhabiting the sensation of the pelvis.
Characteristics are from John Luckovich’s book, the Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram.
Development of sexual
Developmental opportunities are more likely than not for dominants and blinds. For sexual types, there may be an issue that is caused by the passion of your type in one of the sexual zones. For sexual blinds, there may be multiple issues caused by neglect in the sexual zones.
Actualised sexual instinct
When the sexual instinct is integrated, it helps us to go for what enlivens and arouses us, invest in ourselves, individuate, develop and express ourselves, and leads us to uncover what expands our felt sense of aliveness.
Russ Hudson describes the transmuted instinct as leading to the unstoppable passion for development and the unwavering devotion to the beloved.
Instinct and type combinations
A note about contradictions with type
For certain types, the sexual focus appears to contradict the passion of the Enneagram type. Building on the work of her teacher Claudio Naranjo, Beatrice Chestnut calls this situation ‘countertype’.
At the end of the day, however, the instincts and the passions are a measure of two different things. Also, there can be unexpected aspects or traits with all the 27 instinct/type combinations.
The best application of the theory of countertype is just to bear in mind that it can be difficult for certain sexual subtypes to identify their core type from the prevalent descriptions. Otherwise, paying too much attention to any contradictions (or allowing for too many) isn’t helpful.
The subtype pattern
Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes have identified some key interventions to do to that counteract or work with the preoccupations of the sexual subtypes. They are not exhaustive.
Sexual subtypes deconstructors (from CP Enneagram Academy, resource from the Workshop ‘Providing Practical Enneagram Solutions’)
Type Eight
Don’t take action, even when you feel a strong impulse to act; exercise discretion when feeling passionate; actively avoid being the centre of attention; be silent and self-contained; hand control over to other people; think more before acting.
Type Nine
Spend more time alone; separate yourself from important others; talk more about desires, wishes, thoughts and feelings; express opinions that are different from those closest to you; be assertive and bossy.
Type One
Own own flaws; smile sweetly when judging and blaming others; loosen rules for others whilst tightening up rules for self, especially around asserting needs and criticising or ‘helping’ others.
Type Two
Do things that will make you be seen as unattractive; talk about things that may disappoint or repel others; directly say when you don’t want to or don’t intend to support someone important.
Type Three
Become non attractive; dress badly; ask for more for yourself in close relationships; allow yourself to displease others; be the center of attention.
Type Four
Become slow and unenergetic; use a low voice; undertake a role of humbly helping others; talk about your pain and sadness; express shyness with soft voice; become a peacemaker; take an inferior position; don’t express anger.
Type Five
Engage in gossip and indiscretion; share deep feelings in group in a direct way before other people do it; be content with basic intimate relationship; express emotions more directly in plain words.
Type Six
Look weak and unattractive; express vulnerability; appear weak and fragile in a threatening situation; be very agreeable; hide or retreat when feeling fearful; share fears with others.
Type Seven
Adhere to routines; be pragmatic; focus on realistic or pessimistic data; stay with the pain and limitations on self and others; ask to see the negative data without looking at the positives.
How the passion manifests for sexual types
To read the three versions of a single type, you can do that on the type-specific pages.
Note that when we move along our connection points, we ‘keep the same instinct’ (and instinctual stacking). So if you hold questions about your type, read the self-preservation versions of the connection points as well. As a reminder:
- If you are a type Eight, that is types Two and Five
- For type Nines, that is types Three and Six
- If you are a type One, that is types Seven and Four
- For type Twos, that is types Four and Eight
- If you are a type Three, that is types Six and Nine
- For type Fours, that is type One and Two
- If you are a type Five, that is types Eight and Seven
- For type Sixes, that is types Nine and Three
- If you are a type Seven, that is types Five and One
How the passion shows up in sexual types
Type Eight: Seek essential power through intense sexual attraction and chemistry, and are excessively forceful in capturing the interest of the desired object.
Type Nine: Look to experience essential harmony through chemistry and sexual relationships, and attraction style tends to be more inviting than pursuing.
Type One: Seeks to experience essential integrity in sexual relationships and displays. Attempts to be best partner and have an untouchable kind of chemistry.
Type Two: Long to find essential love through romantic relationships and attractions.
Type Three: Seeks to experience essential value through desirability and magnestism of displays.
Type Four: Long to experience essential depth through their relationships, creativity and intense experiences.
Type Five: Look to experience essential insight in romantic relationships, chemistry and interests.
Type Six: Seek to experience essential truth through chemistry and in romantic relationships.
Type Seven: Want to experience essential freedom in chemistry, their fascinations and their romantic partnerships.